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The Sisters Dukhov in King of the Cats
The Sisters Dukhov in: King of the Cats The Speakers of Kilcara were widely respected throughout the country of Erin. They were an old...
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His Hold has Turned so Tight
His hold has Turned so Tight A storm had blown their boat into the middle of the lake. It had happened suddenly, out of nowhere, and...
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The Sisters Dukhov in Special Effects
[NOTE: The following text is the original story. Textual discrepancies will be present from this version to the audio version.] The...
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The Sisters Dukhov in First Outing
[NOTE: The following text is the original story. Textual discrepancies will be present from this version to the audio version.] The...
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Orpheus and the Speedrunners
FUN FACT: The original version of this story was deleted after I graduated college. I'd originally wrote it for a class, and must have...
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Whoever Said it was an Apple?
Whoever Said it was an Apple There’s a story about Eve in the garden of Eden. God told her that the garden of pleasures was hers to...
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She Comes to Reclaim the Throne
She Comes to Reclaim the Throne Guinevere didn’t know how she had come to be in the forest. Perhaps it was the work of an evil spell or...
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There was Blood
There was blood. So much blood on the floor. Her father lay in the middle of it, what remained of his face twisted into an accusatory...
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Found at a Train Station in Dead Winter
Found at a Train Station in Dead Winter Somewhere over a misted stream A place you may only reach in dream. A city emerging from the...
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Over the Ocean
Over the Ocean “Hi”, she said to the assembled crowd of blank-eyed addicts, each drooping over their chairs, “I’m Georgina, and I’ve been...
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This is Not a Cancer Book
This is Not a Cancer Book (Or, How My Life Went to Absolute and Utter Hell) Part One: In Which He Checks Himself into the Loony Bin ...
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